Tuesday 24 February 2015


COMPREHENSION.- Choose the correct answer:
Video game addiction affects _____________
a.       90% of American kids.
b.      15% of American youngsters.
c.       5,000 teenagers.
d.      21% of male adults.
Video games make ________________
a.       Teenagers miss meals.
b.      Adults lose their jobs.
c.       Children get higher marks.
d.      A and B are correct.

Rewrite this sentence (0.5 points):
Mom asked, “Are you feeling well?”

Give a question for the underlined words (0.5 points):
   He can’t buy his children new clothes.


            COMPREHENSION.- Choose the correct answer:
Across the world _____________ every hour.
a.       One pregnant woman dies.
b.      Thirty women die in childbirth.
c.       Twenty pregnant women suffer from injuries.
d.      Sixty women die in child delivery.
In order to achieve global development, we should ________________
a.       Cut infant birthrates.
b.      Save the lives of mothers.
c.       Cause a mother’s bleeding.
d.      Make mothers vulnerable to infections

Rewrite this sentence using the word in brackets (0.5 points):
She won’t be able to help me unless I arrive early in the morning   (IF)

Write the words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence (0.5 points):
    As /  exports  / well / wine /  Spain  / cars / olives / and / as

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Conditionals (Revision)


1.      UNLESS ( a no ser que... ;  a menos que... ):

 We can use unless to mean “if...not”:    Unless I hurry, I´ll miss the train. ( If I don’t hurry...)
 We often use unless in threats ( amenazas ):       Unless you stop making that noise, I´ll scream!
And in warnings ( advertencias ):       You´ll be late unless you go now.

2.       AS LONG AS ; PROVIDED/PROVIDING (THAT) (siempre que... ; mientras/con tal de que... ; a condición de que...)

 We use these expressions to mean “if  but only if”:     
                                   You can borrow my camera as long as you´re careful with it.
                                                  I´ll go to the party provided that  you go too.

 3.      AND ; OR (ELSE)  ( y ; o ; bien...; si no...)

 We sometimes use and  to join two ideas instead of using an if- clause:       
                                                           Stay in bed for a few days and you´ll be fine.
                                                        ( If you stay in bed for a few days, you´ll be fine )

We  use or (else) to mean “if not” or“otherwise”:                  
                                       Don´t try to lift that box or (else) you´ll hurt yourself.
                                           ( If you try to lift that box, you´ll hurt yourself )

4.      SHOULD  ( si... )

 We can use should  instead of if when we are less sure about a posssibility: 
                                                If we have enough time, we´ll visit Robert.
                                                     (Perhaps we will have enough time)
                                               Should we have enough time, we´ll visit Robert.
                                                 (I am less sure that we will have enough time)

5.      SUPPOSED/SUPPOSING ( si...,  en el caso de que...)

 We can also use supposed  or supposing instead of if, especially in unreal conditions:                                                 Supposed/Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do?

A)    Rephrase the sentences using UNLESS

Example:  If we don´t leave now, we´ll miss the start of the film.
                  Unless we leave now, we´ll miss the start of the film.

1.       If you don´t wear your coat, you´ll be cold.
2.       We´ll play tennis tomorrow if it doesn´t rain.
3.       He won´t receive the letter tomorrow if you don´t post it  before 1 o´clock today.
4.       If I don´t get a pay rise at work, I´ll start looking for another job.
5.       I won´t lend you the car if you don´t promise to drive carefully.
6.       Your cough won´t get better if you don´t stop smoking.

B)    Choose the correct word or expression

1.       Unless/Provided you tell the truth, everything will be all right.
2.       In Britain you can marry at sixteen unless/providing  you have your parents´ permission.
3.       He won´t forgive you unless/as long as you say you are sorry.
4.       Unless/Providing you lend me the money, I won´t be able to go on holiday.
5.       I´ll buy the car unless/as long as it´s not too expensive.

C)    Read the sentence. Make a new sentence with the same meaning using the word(s) in brackets.
                                   Example:  If you don´t hurry up, you´ll be late. ( or )
                                                       Hurry up or you´ll be late.

1.       If you don´t stop making that noise, I´ll hit you.  ( or )
2.       If you take this umbrella, you won´t get wet. ( and )
3.       If you don´t drive more carefully, you´ll have an accident. ( or else )
4.       If you help me, I´ll help you.  (and )

D)    Complete the sentences using should /I/he/she and the following verbs:

                                               miss      change    be      need     fail

1.       I think I´ll arrive at the meeting on time, but.......................late, please start without me.
2.       I think I´ve got enough money, but...........................any more, I´ll borrow some.
3.       I´m sure he´ll pass the exam, but............................, he can always take it again.
4.       I don´t think I´ll go to the party, but.............................my mind I´ll let you know.
5.       She expects to catch the last bus, but...........................it, she´ll take a taxi.

E)     Join each idea in A with the most suitable idea from B.  Make sentences beginning Supposed/ Supposing.

            A                                                                  B

    1. I moved to Scotland,                                would you have taken it?
    2.  someone finds my wallet,                         what would the prize have been?
    3.  they had stayed at our house,                   do you think they will take it to the police?
    4. they had offered you the job,                     would you come and visit me?
    5. you had won the competition                     where would they have slept?

F)     Rewrite the following sentences using the correct conditional clause

  1. We went for a picnic, but it rained and we got wet
  1. My watch stopped, I didn´t arrive on time
3.We can´t see very well; you are near the light switch
  1. Your car won´t start; I suggest kicking it
If you
5  .I didn´t wake George because I didn´t know he wanted to get up early
If I
  1.  I can´t meet you tomorrow evening because I have to work
  1. She wasn´t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt
  1. I didn´t accept the job because they didn´t offer me a good salary
If they

WISH / IF ONLY (grammar and practice)

I wish, If only.

 Wishes about the present

We use wish with past Tense forms (simple and continuous) to express regret about present situations:
- I wish I was taller = (I’m not very tall)
- I wish I was going with you = (but I'm not)

I wish you were more help. = (you are not) I wish I were can replace I wish I was.
To many people, I wish I were sounds more correct:
I wish I were taller.

We use wish with could to express a wish for a present situation to be different:
 I wish I could use a computer well. (But I can’t)
X I wish I would tell her about it.
I wish I could tell her about it.

Past Simple è presentè I wish I knew the answer. (= I don’t know)
Past Simple èpresent è I wish I was /were better at sports. (= I'm not)
Past Continuousè present è I wish I was /were going with you. (= I'm not)     
Could è present è I wish I could give you an answer. (= I can't)
Would è future è I wish you would be quiet. (= Your talking irritates me.)- Always different subjects-
Past Perfect è past è I wish I had known you then. (= but I didn't)
Could have è pastè I wish I could have explained. (= I wasn't able to)

Wishes about the future

We use wish with would to say how we would like somebody to behave in the future:
X I wish you to stop talking.
/I wish you would stop talking.
X I wish that they will stop arguing.
/I wish they would stop arguing.

• We can also use this pattern in situations that do not involve people:
I wish this car would go faster.

Wishes about the past

We use wish with the Past Perfect when we have regrets about the past:
I wish I hadn't taken your advice. (= but I did)
I wish she could have come. (= but she didn't).

If only

If only can be more emphatic than I wish. The verb forms after if only are the same as the patterns with wish:
If only I had more money! (= but I haven't)
If only I was going on holiday with you!
If only you were here. (= but you’re not)
If only the sun would come out!
If only you could be here! (= but you're not)
If only I'd listened to you! (=but I didn't )
If only he could have explained! (=but he wasn't able to)

A. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Some sentences require a negation and use the contractions in the negative form.

Principio del formulario
1. Bruce wishes he ___________(have) more money so he could buy a new sweater.

2. I wish I ___________( (be) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

3. I wish you ___________( (stop) watching television while I am talking to you.

4. I wish you ___________( (do) that. It annoys me.

5. I wish the holidays ___________( (come) so we could go off to the seaside.

6. Of course Tom wishes he ___________( (come) with us to Paris, but he has to stay here.

7. I wish we ___________( (go) to the match on Saturday but we're visiting my uncle.

8. I wish you ___________( (keep) your mouth shut yesterday. Now Mary knows.

9. If only I ___________( (lose) all my money. Now I'm broke.

10. Peter is always late. If only he ___________( (turn up) on time for a change!

Final del formulario

B. Complete the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.

Example: I haven’t a job at the moment ---- If only/I wish I had a job

   I’m not going to the party --------- If only/I wish I were going to the party

  I married Myrtle instead of Francis -------- If only/I wish I had married Francis

     You won’t ever wait for me -----------If only/I wish you would wait for me

We’ve run out of petrol -------- If only/I wish ...............................................................
I’m taking a test tomorrow -------- If only/I wish
This holiday has been a disaster -------- If only/I wish
It’s snowing outside -------- If only/I wish
People at work always shout at me ----- If only/I wish
I acted very rudely in front of the headmaster -------- If only/I wish
I don’t know how to ride a bicycle -------- If only/I wish
She never listens to me ---------- If only/I wish............................................................
I can’t speak Russian -------- If only/I wish...................................................................
I’m not tall, dark and handsome -------- If only/I wish
I was caught robbing a bank -------- If only/I wish
I crashed the car when I was drunk -------- If only/I wish
She’s making beans again -------- If only/I wish
Stop behaving like that!-------------- If only/I wish
I failed my exam because I didn’t study -------- If only/I wish
I don’t want to go to school, but I have to -------- If only/I wish
My girlfriend left me  after we argued -------- If only/I wish
I lost a lot of money at cards -------- If only/I wish
Why don’t you ever look at me?--------- If only/I wish
I want to go to the Bahamas for a holiday -------- If only/I wish
I’m sorry I haven’t got more friends -------- If only/I wish

  1. MIXED TYPES. Complete the missing parts of these sentences. All conditionals are included
 If I ____________ (know) you were coming, I would have bought more food
As long as you drive carefully, I____________ ( lend) my car
I´ll take to you about it tomorrow If you _____________ ( arrive) early
If we had left earlier, we ______________ ( miss) the train
If you don´t light the fire, we________________ ( get) cold
If they _______________ ( explain) how to get there, I would have got lost
Don´t give them anything unless they ______________ ( pay) in cash
She would have won the race easily if she ____________ ( run) faster
You´ll feel much better, if you___________ ( take) an aspirin
If you wrote more letters, your friends______________ ( reply)
If the house______________ ( be) in better condition, I would buy it
Let me know at once if you_______________ ( hear) any news
If you hadn´t stayed behind, they_____________ ( catch) you
You can´t take photographs here unless you____________ ( ask for) permission
I wouldn´t have done it if he______________ ( ask) me to

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the most suitable form ( use could...etc where appropriate)
  1. If I ___________ ( notice) that you were waiting I __________ ( give) you a lift
  2. I_____________ (go) skiing every year, if I _____________ ( know) how to ski properly
  3. If I____________ ( catch) that plane which crashed, I___________ ( be) dead now!
  4. If we__________ (live) in South America, we___________( speak) Spanish or Portuguese!
  5. I______________( not lose) the Battle of Waterloo if I ____________( be) Napoleon
  6. I____________( give up) smoking, If I ___________(be) you; it´s bad for you
  7. I______________( like) you more if you____________( not laugh) all the time
  8. I_____________( buy) the house before if the price ___________( be) a bit lower
  9. Do you think they___________( like) this party if they ___________( come)?
  10. They____________( not get) lost last night if they____________( see) the road-sign
  11. I_______________( phone) you earlier, if I _____________( find) the right change
  12. If you_____________( not leave) your car there, you___________( not get) this parking ticket
  13. If they______________( be) friendly, we__________( not have) all that trouble
  14. If man _______________( not visit) the moon, the world _____________( be) at all different?


ZERO CONDITIONAL: Para resultados habituales y reglas de la naturaleza.


                      Ejemplo: If you mix water and oil, oil floats

FIRST CONDITIONAL: Para situaciones reales o posibles.


                            Ejemplos: If I don’t see Mark, I’ll phone him.
                             If you keep driving like that, you’re going to have an accident.
                                  If you are looking for Peter, you´ll find him upstairs.
                                              Pr. Cont.
                             If you have finished dinner, I´ll ask the waiter for the bill.
                                          Pr. Perfect


                                Ejemplo: If you see Helen, give her the message.
                                            IF + PRESENTE.........,     CAN     +  Infinitive

                              Ejemplo: If there are some clouds, it may rain.
                                If you want to lose weight, you should eat less bread.

IF + SHOULD        +          IMPERATIVE
                                             HAPPEN TO              FUTURE

               Ejemplo:  If Tom should phone, tell him I´ll phone him back.
                                If you happen to get the job, will you move to Australia?

SECOND CONDITIONAL: Para situaciones hipotéticas o improbables.

IF + PASADO ..........,...............CONDICIONAL SIMPLE
                                                                                     COULD        + Infinitive
                                     Ejemplo: If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.
                                     If I was having a party, I wouldn’t invite Marcia.
*VERB BE usually takes the form WERE for all persons, though WAS is used in everyday speech.                                         
                               Ejemplo: If I were rich, I would buy a very big house.

IF + WERE TO (Infinitive)..........,.., WOULD + Infinitive

              Ejemplo: If the boss were to come in now, we would be in real trouble.

THIRD CONDITIONAL: Para situaciones pasadas que es IMPOSIBLE cambiar.

                           HAD + Past Participle         WOULD
                                                                         COULD     + HAVE + Past Participle

                     Ejemplo: If the doctor had been here, the boy wouldn´t have died.


1)      IF (si)

2)      EVEN IF (incluso si)
                                   Even if it rains, we’ll still go for a picnic
3)      UNLESS + verbo afirmativo = IF + verbo negativo.
( A menos que)

               Unless you start at once, you´ll be late.
                           If you don´t start at once, you´ll be late.

4)      WHETHER ........OR = IF ..........OR (tanto si......... como si no)

      I´ll go to Madrid, whether you come or not.

5)      SUPPOSING (THAT)  =  (suponiendo que......)

              Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do?
                 = What would you do if you won the lottery?

6)      ON CONDITION THAT...... = ( a condición de que.......)

         I´ll tell you it, on condition that you don´t tell anybody.

7)      BUT FOR (THAT) ...= ( si no fuera/fuese por...; si no hubiera/hubiese sido por)
                                                If it were not for..;         If it hadn´t been for......
                                But for his pension, he would starve.

8)      PROVIDED (THAT).... = ...... (con la condición de que...../ siempre que......)
                        I’ll do what you say provided the police are not informed.
                                     I’ll help you as long as you help me.

9)      IN CASE.... = (por si…, en caso de que...)
             He wears two watches in case one of them stops

10)  IF SO (si es así) / IF NOT (si no es así). Se refiere a la oración anterior.

     There is a possibility that Jack will be late. If so, I will take his place.
                     If so = If Jack is late.
           It may rain. If not, we’ll go to the beach.
                     If not = If it doesn’t rain.

11)  IF + ADJECTIVES (omitiendo el verbo TO BE)

         If interested, apply within.  (=If you are interested…)
         If necessary, take a taxi. (=If it is necessary…)

12)  IF ONLY (si tan solo…). También se traduce por “ojalá” para expresar un deseo, una esperanza o un lamento, y se deja sin terminar la segunda parte de la oración.

                  If only I had enough time!
                  If only I hadn’t drunk too much, this wouldn’t have happened!           

13)  Colloquial omission of IF.

                         Sit down, and I’ll make us a cup of tea.
             (=If you sit down…)

14)  Formal omission of IF: Inversion-structures. En estilo formal, IF se omite y se coloca el auxiliar delante del sujeto. Esto ocurre con WERE, HAD y SHOULD (y muy rara vez con otro auxiliar).

                  IF you should see her.......Þ Should you see her.........
                  IF I were rich........Þ Were I rich................
                    IF I had been ill....Þ Had I been ill..............


En muchos ejercicios se nos pide que formemos una oración condicional a partir de una situación dada. Por ejemplo:
A. Tom can't buy a bike. He doesn't save any money. 
       If Tom saved his money, he could buy a bike.
B. Lisa went to the doctor. She got better.
       If Lisa hadn't gone to the doctor, she wouldn't have got better.

Pero, ¿cómo llegamos hasta aquí?  Los pasos a seguir son los siguientes:

1º - si la oración que tenemos está en presente, tendremos que formar una oración       condicional del 2º tipo.

 - si la oración que tenemos está en pasado, tendremos que formar una oración condicional del 3º tipo.

2º - si la oración está en afirmativa, en la oración condicional pasará a ser negativa.
    - pero si está en negativa, en la oración condicional pasará a ser afirmativa.

3º - al final, la oración resultante ha de tener sentido y orden.

EJEMPLO: Elena doesn´t study. She fails her exams.

Þ Tenemos que formar una oración del 2º tipo, ya que las oraciones están en     presente.

Þ Una parte va a ir en negativa y la otra en afirmativa (al revés de como está en la oración que se nos da).

Þ Orden y sentido: Elena tiene que estudiar para no suspender sus exámenes.


         If Elena studied, she wouldn´t fail her exams.