Monday 20 April 2015

Modal Verbs (Activities)

 A)      Fill in the blanks with mustn’tdon’t have to / needn’t.
  1. Pupils  don’t have to / needn’t   attend the game. It’s optional.
  2. You ............................... leave knives in places where babies can get hold of them.
  3. We ................................ bring sandwiches. Food will be provided.
  4. You ................................. play with that knife! You’ll cut yourself.
  5. We ............................... rush. We’ve got plenty of time.
  6. If the snow continues, you ........................................ drive that long way.
  7. I .................................... pay the phone bill until next week.
  8. People ................................ smoke in non-smoking areas.
B)      Fill in the blanks with the positive or negative form of should / ought to.
  1. People should  check their tyres frequently.
  2. You ....................................... tell him all your problems when he’s feeling so ill.
  3. Jerry ................................... be here by now. He said he would be leaving his house at 8.30.
  4. You ....................................... pay the gas bill. It’s due tomorrow.
  5. My  bike has got a flat tyre. What ..................................... I do? Take it to the garage or fix it myself?
  6. Your soup might be cold. ..................................... I heat it up for you?
  7. Do you have a headache again? Maybe you .....................................  lie in the sun so much.
  8. Why are you home so early? You ......................................  be at work now.
  9. Someone broke into Tom’s house last night. I  .............................. go and see if he needs help.
  10. You really .............................. bite your nails. It’s a disgusting habit.
C)      Find the mistake and correct it.
  1. He must to be there by six o’clock.
  2. Do you like to go out tonight?
  3. You don’t have to park here. It’s forbidden.
  4. You should talked to him. He’s very upset.
  5. He can be able to speak three languages.
  6. I had like some coffee, please.
  7. You ought see a doctor.
  8. Did you can finish your work last night?
  9. Shall you go out tonight?
  10. Will you like some coffee?
  11. They mustn’t read that book. It’s not included in the list for the exam.
  12. We always spend our summer holidays in Scotland, but we don’t may  go there this year.
  13. I think she will can drive in a week.

D)  Translate these sentences into Spanish and make up your own ones based on them.
  1. It may not rain again this winter.               It may not be sunny for the whole weekend.
  Puede que no llueva de nuevo este invierno.
  1. You ought to wear your coat today.
  1. You mustn’t park next to the yellow lines.
  1. You’ll have to move your car.
  1. Yes, you may buy a new dress today.
  1. We have to take Timmy to the doctor. He’s got a temperature.
  1. Could I please have the car tonight?
  1. Do you always have to call during dinner?
  1. I really should visit her, shouldn’t I?
  1. Most of the members won’t be able to come to the meeting next week.
 E)  Rewrite the following sentences using modals.
  1. If you want my advice, get a good lawyer!                            You should get a good lawyer!
  1. A university degree is not necessary for that job.   You ...
  1. He can only leave work at ten o’clock tonight. ( able )           He ...
4.        Perhaps my father will pick you up.        My father ...
  1. It isn’t necessary to make an appointment at the hairdresser’s.                              You ...
  1. Eating is forbidden in class. ( eat )                          You ...
  1. The boss allows the workers to have one afternoon off a week.    The workers ...
  1. Don’t take the CD without asking permission.         You ...
  1. My  car needs cleaning. I’ll take it tomorrow.          I ...
  1. She hasn’t phoned. Perhaps she is abroad. ( may )             She ...
  1. Perhaps Mike will be to busy to see us. ( be )        Mike ...
  1. I expect her to pass her driving test. She drives well.               She ...

  1. I suggest you go and see a doctor             You ...

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