Tuesday 26 May 2015

Para el miércoles 27 de mayo

  1. Make sentences from the words in brackets:

a.    What’s Linda doing? I’m not sure (she may / watch / television)
b.    I wonder why Tom didn’t phone me. (he must / forget)
c.    Why did you go home so early? (you needn’t / go / home so early)
d.    Why didn’t you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you)
e.    Why weren’t you here earlier? (you ought / be / here earlier)

  1. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.
a.    I’m sorry but I can’t repair this lamp.
I’m sorry, but this lamp…
b.    We won’t get there before dark if we don’t start out early.
Unless we…
c.    It’s too bad that Bernice isn’t here with us.
I wish…
d.    It was wrong to take that book without asking.
You shouldn’t…
e.    He found a job as a carpenter in 1995. He came to this country then.
In 1995, when…
f.     “I’m going to the cinema tomorrow”, Edward told me.
Edward told me that…
g.    I finally met the teacher. You had told me about him.
I finally met the teacher about…
h.    I’m sure that your son broke the window while he was playing.
Your son must…
i.      The athlete didn’t win the race because she fell.
She would…
j.      We’ll finish building our house in July.
By August,…

  1. Translate into English:
a.    Al principio no pudimos ver la película puesto que el cine estaba cerrado.
b.    Por esta razón, creo que otro centro comercial en nuestra ciudad no es necesario.
c.    El dinero no es lo más importante del mundo. No obstante, todo el mundo lo quiere.
d.    En mi opinión, su blog no está bien escrito. Además, no estoy de acuerdo con sus opiniones.
e.    Fue difícil entenderlo debido a su acento.

  1. Fill the gaps with the right preposition:
a.    They have always been very kind _________ me.
b.    Everybody was surprised __________ the news.
c.    I don’t enjoy my job any more. I’m fed up __________ it.
d.    Why are you always so jealous __________ other people?
e.    Who was responsible _________ all that noise?
f.     The film was different ____________ what I’d expected.
g.    Your writing is similar __________ mine.
h.    The letter I wrote was full ____________ mistakes.
i.      Let’s go! I’m tired _________ waiting.

j.      The city centre was crowded ___________ tourists.

“Why do we enjoy mysteries so much?”

            Have you ever thought about that? Detective stories and legal thrillers are among the most popular genres in literature. Murder mysteries are the only genre of literature which offers you the chance to figure out the story for yourself. Readers love to catch the killer before he or she is revealed. Detective stories are really a game, a puzzle to solve. The reader must put together the clues, and if you do this one step ahead of the detective, you feel really proud.
            In no other genre does a team of people spend so much energy to understand the identity of one person. We usually focus on the murderer, but it is really the dead who is the star. To solve the murder, the team of detectives must know the victim’s history. They have to find out who would want to kill them and why. In looking for the killer, they use their brain power to deduce the truth behind the appearances the killer has created. In a mystery, death is explained through reasoning. You can see the dark side of people, but you know that justice prevails. Good will defeat evil.
            People who like detective stories usually love forensics shows like CSI or Bones. They are a new variation on an old formula: instead of solving crimes with guns and car chases, the ‘good guys’ use microscopes and DNA, and the investigators, like any detective of the past—Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple, for example—are intelligent guardians of justice, caught in a battle against an equally intelligent criminal.

I * COMPREHENSION (3 points; 0.5 points each)
  1. _____________ are among the most popular literary genres.
a.    Murder mysteries         b. Legal thrillers       c. Detective stories       d. A, B, C are correct

  1. In the new forensics shows there are...
  2. a. No guns           b. No dead people       c. No crimes     d. No microscopes.

  1. In this type of genre, the protagonist is the dead.

  1. You feel good when you discover the murderer before the detective does

  1. In detective stories the criminal isn’t brought to justice.
  1. Miss Marple is one of the CSI investigators.

II * USE OF ENGLISH (4 points)
6. FIND IN THE TEXT ONE SYNONYM FOR “opportunity” (noun).
7. GIVE A NOUN WITH THE SAME ROOT AS “proud” (adjective).
8. FILL IN THE GAP WITH THE CORRECT OPTION: “The police looked ..... the accident”(up/ after/ out/ into)
9. FIND IN THE TEXT THE WORD WHICH HAS THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: “Something which serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery.”
10. JOIN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING A RELATIVE. MAKE CHANGES IF NECESSARY: “Agatha Christie was the best selling mystery writer of all time. Her husband was an archaeologist.”
11. REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE WITHOUT CHANGING ITS MEANING. BEGIN AS INDICATED: “If your friend doesn’t come before ten, he will miss the train.” Unless.........
12. GIVE A QUESTION FOR THE UNDERLINED WORDS: “Agatha Christie wrote ninety-three books.”
13. TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE VOICE: “People were accusing me of the robbery.”
14. Rewrite the following sentence:  I´d prefer her to spend the night with us using RATHER.

15.  Write this sentence using Reported Speech: “Are you interested in detective stories?”, Ann asked.

III * PRODUCTION (3 points)

Write a review or a summary of a book or film which you have enjoyed.

Friday 22 May 2015

Para el lunes 25 de mayo

  1. Complete each sentences with a suitable form of the verb in brackets (infitinive or gerund):

a.    I really miss ______________ (play) tennis like I used to.
b.    Martin failed ______________ (pay) the rent on time again.
c.    It’s not worth ________________ (buy) a return ticket.
d.    I promise I won’t forget ________________ (feed) the cat.
e.    Would you mind ______________ (look) after the baby?

  1. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals:

a.    Jack said that he hadn’t cheated in the exam. CHEATING
b.    I think it would be a good idea to take the train. SUGGEST
c.    My neighbour said he would call the police! THREATENED
d.    I needed a drink of water and so I stopped running. TO
e.    Mark is too young to go to the disco. ENOUGH

  1. Translate into English:

a.    Hoy en día la mayoría de los adolescentes se emborracha los fines de semana.
b.    Las personas mayores viven solas aunque tengan hijos solteros.
c.    Personalmente pienso que los estudiantes prefieren los ordenadores a los libros.
d.    Es un hecho que algunos anuncios son aburridos mientras que otros son inolvidables.
e.    En resumen, el concierto fue una pérdida de tiempo y de dinero.

  1. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown:

a.    I’d prefer you not to wear jeans to the office. I’d rather…
b.    We won’t get there on time without taking a taxi. Unless…
c.    “I wouldn’t go swimming on a day like this, if I were you, Tom”. Brian advised…
d.    Although she had twisted her ankle, Sally still won the race. Despite her…
e.    Mike enjoys playing golf more than I do. I don’t…
f.     I regret selling my car. I wish…
g.    Nobody has cut the lawn for weeks. The lawn…
h.    I’m sure Dick didn’t mean to offend you. Dick can’t…
i.      Have you got a smaller size than this? Is this…

j.      Would you like to go out for a drink? Do you feel…?

                A hot shower and a new wife helped two astronauts come down to earth after six months in orbit. Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and U.S. astronaut Edward Lu landed in Kazakhstan after an unproblematic flight from the International Space Station. The crew, accompanied by Spaniard Pedro Duque, who was on a one week mission, arrived as planned. Lu said the exciting life on the 16-nation orbital platform had amply compensated for not enjoying common comforts. "It's a small price to pay not to be able to eat your favorite food or take a shower if you have the opportunity to live and work in space," he told a news conference. "But that being said, that first hot shower felt really good." Having married his fiancée Ekaterina Dmitriev in August via a satellite video link from space, Malenchenko went straight into married life enthusiastically. "Life continues on earth and we've got lots of plans," he said. The astronauts said they had been able to keep in touch with their families from the station via e-mail and video telephone. "I missed my family and fiancée, but we had very good communications on board and we were able to talk," said Lu. "I didn't feel very much separated from my loved ones on the ground."

1)      One of the daily comforts astronauts cannot enjoy in orbit is...
a. a nice talk with family                 b. a good film    c. a hot shower      d. a radio program
2)      Who was Ekaterina Dmitriev?
a. Malenchenko's fiancée             b. Malenchenko's wife               c. Duque's wife   d. Lu's fiancée

3)      Pedro Duque was in orbit for six months.
4)      The orbital platform was exclusively a Russian and American enterprise.
5)      Living in the orbital platform was so stimulating that astronauts could manage without ordinary comforts.
6)      The Russian astronaut got married while in space.

(B) USE OF ENGLISH (4 points)
7) Give one opposite for EXCITING (adjective) (line 5) (0.25 points)
8) Give one synonym for CONTINUE (verb) (line 9) (0.25 points)
9) Find in the text the word which has the following definition: “a group of people working on a spaceship” (noun) (0.25 points)
10) Give an adjective with the same root as ENJOY (verb) (line 5) (0.25 points)
11) Give one synonym of FILTHY (0.25 points)
12) Give a noun with the same root as ENTHUSIASTICALLY (0.25 points)
13) Rewrite the sentence as indirect speech: “You can't park here” The police officer told me...
14) Give a question for the underlined words: (0.5 points) Edward Lu met his fiancée after Christmas.
15) Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form. (0.5 points)
                        station had a Malenchenko walk the around
16) Turn the following sentence into passive: The astronauts are giving the journalists a lot of information (0.5 points)
17) Complete the following conditional sentence: If I ever went to space… (0.5 points)

(C) PRODUCTION (3 points)
18) Write a composition (80-100 WORDS) Choose ONE of the following options. Specify your option.
a) Are dangerous professions attractive for young people today? Why?
b) Do you like science fiction stories/films? Why?

Wednesday 20 May 2015


1.    Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:

a. What a pity I don't have curly hair.
I wish my...
b. I didn't know your number, so I didn't call you.
If I...
            c. What time did we get to Paris?
                        Could you tell me...
            d. I regret not visiting the Louvre the last time I was in Paris.
                        I wish...
            e. Put more salt in or you won't be able to taste it.
            f. I think we should go now.
                        It's time...
            g. “If I were you, Harry, I wouldn't take the job”, said Brenda.
                        Brenda advised Harry...
            h. Please give me money instead of a present.
                        I'd rather you...
            i. Lucky you were here, or the house would have caught fire.
            j. Someone broke into Peter's house last week.
                        Peter had...

2.    Put in the missing preposition:

            a. a. Please come in and sit down. I'm sorry _________ the mess.
            b. He's very brave. He's not afraid _________ anything.
            c. Gordon got married _________ a woman he met when he was studying at college.
            d. Don't ask me to decide. I'm not very good _________ making decisions.
            e. The plan has been changed but nobody seems to know the reason __________ this.
            f. She works quite hard. You can't accuse her ________ being lazy.
            g. Who's going to look __________ your children while you're at work?
            h. I prefer this chair ________ the other one. It's more comfortable.
            i. “Do you like staying at hotels?” “It depends _________ the hotel”.
            j. What's funny? What are you laughing _________?

3.    Rewrite each sentence using a modal verb:

a. Is it necessary for me to bring my passport?
b. I am sure the cat is in the house somewhere.
c. I am sure that John is not the thief.
d. What would you advise me to do?
e. It's possible for anyone to break into this house.

4.    Make one sentence from each group of sentences using relative pronouns:

a. I was sitting next to a boy in the exam. He told me the answer.
The boy ...
b. My friend Albert has decided to buy a motor-bike. His car was stolen last week.
My friend Albert,...
c. This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it.
This is the bank from...
d. A goal was scored by a teenager. He had come on as substitute. This goal won the match.
The goal...
e. I lent you a book. It was written by a friend of mine. She lives in France.

The book...
Time Banks
We all know about banks for money, and banks for blood, but now it seems there are banks for time.
Time Banks, an American concept which first started in 1980, operate today throughout the United States, England, Spain and elsewhere. The idea is simple. First, participants must enrol in the scheme. Then, every hour they spend performing services for other participants is registered as credit. That means that they are entitled to receive an equal number of hours of service from others in the plan. All services have equal value, so that people who donate, for example, an hour of dog-walking can, in return, receive an hour of legal advice. Transactions are recorded by the banks’ organisers, who match members with each other.
Unlike traditional barter systems, Time Banks enable members to receive from one person and donate to another. One elderly lady spent time visiting a disabled neighbour, and in exchange, her kitchen was redecorated. Another woman accumulated time so that she could “buy” luxuries, such as massages. Services offered range from music and language instruction to wardrobe reorganisation, eyebrow plucking and plant watering.
One obvious advantage of Time Banks is that they allow people access to services that might otherwise be too costly. However, there are also other benefits. These schemes build community spirit, which is hard to create today because the population is so mobile. They also help people who may feel that they have little to offer to realise that they are valuable contributors. Many people never use the hours they accumulate, while others donate their time to people in need.
There is an old saying in English that “time is money”. With Time Banks, this is truer than ever!
I* COMPREHENSION (This section consists of six items combining ‘True/False’ and/or ‘Multiple Choice’ questions) (3 points)
CHOOSE AND WRITE THE CORRECT OPTION (A, B, C or D). (0.5 points each)
1.   People that contribute time to the Time Bank …
                   (a) can exchange their time for cash.                   (c) can deposit their hours in Time Banks in America,
                   (b) can receive only the same type of                       England and Spain.
service in return.                                                 (d) are entitled to an equal amount of time in return.
2.   Why are Time Banks important in modern society?
                   (a) They help people buy luxuries.                       (c) They aren’t like traditional barter systems.
                   (b) They help build a sense of community.         (d) They help people who have little to offer.
3.   Time Banks were first started in the USA in 1980.
4.   Some services are worth more than others.
5.   Members can only receive services from people they’ve donated to.
6.   People must withdraw the time they deposit in time banks.
II* USE OF ENGLISH (4 points; questions 7-12, 0.25 points each; 13-17, 0.5 points each)
7.   give one synonym forinstruction” (noun) AS IT IS USED IN THE TEXT (line 11).
8.   Give one opposite forcostly” (adjective) AS IT IS USED IN THE TEXT (line 14).
9.   Find in the text the word which has the following definition:to permit something to happen”.
10. Give a noun with the same root astruer” (adverb).
11. Which word IS NOT AN ADJECTIVE? costly / lively / quickly / elderly
12. Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb in brackets: Are you interested in …… (meet) my friend?
13. Turn the following sentence into the passive voice: A Time Bank member will perform an hour of service.
14. Join the following sentences using AN APPROPRIATE LINKER. (DO NOT USE and, but or because.) Make changes if necessary: One woman accumulated over 100 hours. She doesn’t want
to receive any services.
15. Give a question for the underlined wordS: One elderly lady visited her disabled neighbour.
16. Use the words in the boxes to make a meaningful sentence. Use all and only the words in the boxes without changing their form:Cuadro de texto: record the every occurs transaction that organisers
17. Turn the following sentence into REPORTED SPEECH: “Jackie wanted to meet me at the theatre,” he said.
III* PRODUCTION (3 points)
Community service should be required of every citizen.