Wednesday 6 May 2015

Repaso Examen

Fill the gaps with all the possible relative pronouns and write them between brackets if they can be omitted (5 points):

Robert's parents, ____________ are both retired, live in Spain.
Have you still got the money _____________ I gave you?
Sydney, ______________ has a population of more than three million, is Australia's largest city.
Next week I'm going to Glasgow, _____________ my sister lives.
That man over there, _____________ name I don't remember, is an artist.

Combine the sentences using relative pronouns. Add commas when needed (10 points):

Many teenagers look for jobs in hotels. They can work there during the summer.

Bus number 27 is always crowded. It travels all over the city.

The film is about a doctor. He saves many children's lives in India.

The high-tech company is looking for engineers. Their references are good.

The best-selling author is signing books at the shop today. She is very well-known.

She tries to forget the day. She was fired that day.

There are some new candidates. I haven't met with them yet.

I finally completed the assignment. I had been working on it all year.

They got married in the spring. The flowers were blooming then.

Lucy's parents are actors. She wants to be an actor, too.

Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Do not change the meaning (10 points):

“Can you give me a lift tomorrow?” Beth asked David.
Beth asked David if...
John finished washing the car. Then it began to rain.
It began to rain...
The writer will visit our school. I am reading her book.
The writer...
A photographer took our family photo.
If you don't speak slowly, nobody will understand you.
Who is everyone talking about?
It's too bad we didn't stay longer.
I wish...
I advise you not to say anything to him.
I really want to buy these shoes, but they are too expensive.
“I didn't say anything”, my sister said.
My sister denied...

Change the sentences from Active to Passive or the other way round (5 points):

  1. Fortunately they didn't damage the machinery.
  2. We have told him not to be late again.
  3. The tables are cleaned after the classes finish.
  4. The audience thought that Houdini had special powers.
  5. The teacher must be given your personal details after the class.

Write the verbs in the correct form (5 points):

a.   If my brother ____________ (eat) another cake, he _____________ (get) sick soon, that's why he won't.
b.   If we ________________ (go) to London for our holiday last year, we _________________ (see) the Tower of London.
c.     I think Diane _________________ (look) much nicer if she ________________ (have) a new hairstyle.
d.     If I _____________________ (not have) so much work to do today, I ________________ (help) you clean the house.
e.   If you __________________ (heat) gold to 1063 degrees, it ________________ (melt).

Make questions for the underlined words (5 points):

1.    She goes to school every day.
2.    They have had the same car for twelve years.
3.    He usually keeps the eggs in the fridge.
4.    The hammer appeared behind the bushes by the front gate.
5.    I spilt Peter's coffee on Mr Manson's suit.

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