Thursday 5 March 2015

Repaso de Examen

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets:

1.    We are finishing school on 30th June. (By next July)

2.    When did you start working here? (How long)

3.    “I would not stay here because it is dangerous!”, Mr Jackson said. (advised)

4.    I stopped eating chocolate six months ago. (for)

5.    “I lost your camera”, Sally said. (admitted)

Change the sentences from Active to Passive or the other way round:

a. Atoms are said to be the smallest elements.
b. We must pay the electricity bill next week.
c.  A woman will be elected president in our next elections.
d. Her silence worried us.
e. The three houses have been painted this week.
f.  They hadn't repaired the car so they came by bus.
g. Why does rock music bother the neighbours?
h. I need to choose the clothes so I can pack the suitcases.
i.  Your question has already been answered by the secretary.
j.  Over a thousand volunteers have been looking for the lost child.

Rewrite the following sentences using both passive forms:

  1. When did he offer her the job?
  2. People say that fairies don't exist.
  3. We should have given them more money.
  4. They may never tell us the truth.
  5. Everybody believed that Michael was working abroad.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a causative form:

a. These jeans are too long on me. Where ____________________________ (can/shorten)?
b. Her wedding dress was unique. She _______________________ (make) by a top designer.
c. My phone isn't working well. I __________________________ (repair) tomorrow.
d.     My eyes are hurting me. I ____________________________ (must/test).
e. What did you do with that letter in Italian? I _______________________ (translate).

Put the following sentences into indirect speech:

1.    The doctor said, “You must stay in bed”.

2.    Judy suggested, “Why don't you rest on my sofa?”

3.    Bobby wanted to know, “Will you be at the party next Saturday?”

4.    Uncle David said, “Please take off your shoes when you come in!”

5.    Michael said, “You can borrow my book”.

Write questions for the underlined words in each sentence:

1.       The shops open at 9 in the morning.

2.       We have taken on a nanny because my wife has too much to do.

3.       I am going to wear the yellow dress at the ball.

4.       Pam can sing very well.

5.       Yes, I'd like to live in Canada.

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